Monday, April 4, 2016

Kindle vs. Book

Ah, it's the age old dispute between book lovers everywhere. A lot of people enjoy their kindles, but I know so many more people who cherish their books and take great pride in their bookshelves. So like most people have already done, I decided to do a e-book vs. physical book as the title states and give my overall opinion on what I feel are the pros and cons of a physical book and an electronic one.

Book pros
  • It's something that you can physically hold in your hands. You can feel the weight of the book and turn the pages. Not just flip your finger or the side of the device and go on to the next page.
  • They don't have a battery for you to charge.
  • You tend to remember more from reading something out of a physical book than reading something on the internet. Yes, it has been scientifically proven. Then again so has a lot of things that they end up unproving. Who knows?
  • They look beautiful on a shelf.
  • If the internet was to crash right this second, at least we'd still have physical books.
Kindle Pros
  • It's a lightweight device. When you're reading a 720 page book (ie. Lady Midnight) and it's heavy to hold, with the kindle you're not carrying the big book. Some people do enjoy that though..
  • All of your library is in one place. That's right. Some people hate owning books. Isn't that preposterous? They'd rather have it all on one little device and that is where the kindle comes in handy.
  • Some e-books are cheaper than physical books. Now, I'm not saying all the time because I've noticed that that is not the case 100% of the time, but for the majority of the time, unless you bargain shop your books, they're going to be more expensive than the e-books.
  • Most public libraries get the e-book version of a new book long before they get the physical version. I've noticed this for my library that they get the e-book version of a new release way longer than they get the hard copy. I know there's more to the reasoning behind this though so this probably shouldn't be a pro or a con but I thought it was a good point.
  • They get ruined less easily than books. If you spill yogurt or pie on your book, the pages might get all weird and the page will be messy and words will be covered in pie and yogurt left over. With a kindle you don't have that problem. You can also bring it into the bathtub. Sort of. Just don't drop it.

There is no right or wrong reason as to which type of reading material you like better, I just thought it'd be fun to kind of do my own reasons as to why I like each one. I personally use my kindle a lot because my library is amazing and have so many of the books I want to read and because I don't have money. Ya know..I should get on that.


  1. This was a really interesting post! I myself prefer books; can't beat the old fashioned ink and paper!
    Cool blog, by the way. Keep it up!

    1. By the way, sorry to have to ask this. I probably sound like a senior citizen or something, but where's the follow button on your blog? I can't find it?

    2. I found it. If you look at the top where I have the currently reading, there's also a place to put in your email so you can follow this blog by email. And thank you for the comment. It truly mean a lot to me. I love doing this. It's so enjoyable!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
