Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Throne of Glass- Review

I'm very late to the Throne of Glass party as we can all clearly see, but I'm so glad that I finally had the opportunity to read this book and continue on the series. What an epic fantasy read filled with magic, betrayal, and desire. I could not get enough of it.

Celaena is a kick butt heroine. She's sassy, fierce, and independent. I don't see that a lot in books anymore because either it's insta-love or the girl is caught up in such a love triangle that it kind of takes over the focus of the book. Well, Celaena doesn't need a man and she makes that clear. Not only is she like that but she's an assassin. That's right. A GIRL ASSASSIN. She's also just human. She gets periods (big props to Sarah J. Maas for writing about it), she has trouble making friends, and she has trouble with things that she has gone through.

The writing style in itself is something to talk about-at least a little bit. It's a beautifully written story and Maas is probably one of my favorite writing styles that I've read in awhile. It flows so beautifully and it gives you just enough detail as to paint a picture in your head without going overboard with the descriptions. As I said above, Maas gave Celaena a period. That's surprisingly huge when it comes to books in general because I have never read a book where a character has a period. It's such a taboo subject to talk about in society and also write about. So giving her a period not only made Celaena more human, but also helped me to connect to her even more.

The plot is extremely faced paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering what on earth is going to happen next. There were a few things that were a little predictable but overall I did not see a lot of things coming. If you haven't picked this book up, then I take back what I said about being the last person to ever read this book (other than Redda). You should reeeeaaaad it. There are 5 other books in this series with the newest coming out in September.

4.5 Stars

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