Friday, April 15, 2016

Fangirl- Review

Now, we all know that Rainbow Rowell is a goddess among most YA readers. But, she can also be one of strong dislike among certain readers. I have read her other book Eleanor & Park and adored it. I didn't see all the problems that others did and thought her writing was hilarious and heartfelt. Then I come along to this book. I don't know what I expected to be perfectly honest with you. I guess I just wanted another good Rainbow Rowell book. I didn't get that. Sorry people. Don't hurt me.

THIS BOOK WAS SO BORING. I mean extremely boring. I just expected a lot more than what was given. I didn't see any character growth, plot twist, lesson learned, or anything else. Instead I got a girl obsessed with two book characters, mental illness talk kind of inappropriately placed, and insufferable characters. I'll go slightly in depth with each of these.

Maybe it's because I've never been a super fan girl who wrote fan-fiction about my favorite characters or went above and beyond with books after the series ended, but I did not connect with this aspect of the book at all. In fact, I kind of wondered why a college student was still focusing on fan-fiction instead of more grown up things. I mean she wouldn't do anything except write her fan fiction and it kind of got old (I don't blame Wren for getting annoyed). I do think the fan-fiction part of it is something you personally have to connect with. Though may I just add that Simon Snow is definitely Harry Potter in our world. Read it. You'll agree. Maybe.

The mental illness was just really weird. Cather's dad struggled with bipolar disorder and had a meltdown in the middle of the book. It was just oddly placed and poorly handled. Then they decide to make jokes about it like it was nothing. I know the author probably didn't mean to do it that way but I thought it was a little offensive. Sometimes, things make no sense in books. I also wondered if it was meant to add something more to the book. It didn't. That whole scene was super bland.

The character's sucked. Goodness, I couldn't stand Cather or her twin sister Wren. Cather was like an  annoying kid who refused to be independent and needed their parent for EVERYTHING. I mean everything. Should she have even really been at college? Probably not. She cried more times than I could keep track of. She needed her sister to hold her hand, and I don't blame her sister for leaving and wanting her own space. And then when the mom comes back into the picture, what a disaster. Seriously. A. Disaster. Wren was the typical college freshmen: a party girl. She was pretty cruel most of the time. All the other character's were unmemorable or just had a horrible personality (Nick).

As you all can see, not my type of book. Maybe I should leave the one fond memory Rainbow Rowell and I share and leave it at that before I start shuddering every time I hear or see her name. It's been fun Rainbow, but it's time to go our separate ways.

2 stars.

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