Monday, August 15, 2016

Magonia Review

Magonia is the delightfully weird book by Maria Dahvana Headley. Aza is a young girl who has a mysterious breathing illness and is dying. Her lungs ae barely functioning and it's a countdown until she dies. She does end up dying and from there stuff gets weird. Turns out she belongs in a country above the clouds called Magonia. This book is her journey in trying to figure out what is going on in her life and how to go through it.

The characters wee absolutely amazing in this book. They felt so real and down to earth that I wanted to actually have friends like Aza and Jason. I mean who wouldn't? She's so sarcastic and yet so brilliant and he's so nerdy yet so lovable. It's the perfect duo. The character development through the book is through the roof. You truly watch Aza transform from her earth self into her Magonia self. When she goes through the tougher things, it's truly heartbreaking and you just want to be there and tell her everything is okay. Jason has anxiety and Headly does that well without making his whole character only about anxiety.

The writing was so beautiful and lyrical. I was just entranced by everything that the author was writing and I wanted more. This book felt too short for my liking, but it all honesty it was the perfect size for this story. It was straight to the point and there were not long explanations about what was going on. Could it have used a little more explanation? Maybe, but I thought it was perfect. She is one very talented author and I would recommend this book to anyone who loves magical realism and weirdness.

5/5 Stars

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